WU-QI GONG – Spontane Bewegungen

We open energetic channels in the body through various forms of practice. We learn to percieve, the flow of energy in us. The practice of «form» is a preparatory phase for an increased focus on «WU-CHI», the source, a liquid state of no form. Expression of the NOW – your inner dance – your very own «SPONTANEOUS MOVEMENTS.» This training gives a little taste of a conscious focused Qi-Gong style (Chinese movement practice & energy work). It´s partly physically demanding, partly with music, partyl silent; uses inner force and same time gentle movements – like a feather in the wind. We work sitting, lying, standing | moving with enough space to integrate. The content adapts to the group to create a deep, individual process of experience. There are only small theory lectures and a lot of time for somatic experience. The formless part are free movements that emerge from within. The inner movement finds expression on the outside; through this expression of force, the liberation of the movement, inner peace and stillness can arise. You can find more information on the website: www.tf-somatic.life Content: Daoist & Buddah breath Dao Yin (meridian-stretching) Simple Qi-Gong (form) Wu-Qi Gong (no form) Meditation If possible, bring 1 wool blanket and a water bottle. The course is open to everyone. No previous knowledge or certain requirements are neccesary. This event takes place – under observance of the protective measures and hygiene regulations of the Dynamo!

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