Working with People from Diverse Religion & Belief Identi…

Low Cost – In order to cover the costs of our training provision, we charge the low price of £40 per delegate. Working with People from Diverse Religion & Belief Identities Course Content In this half-day course, delegates will improve their confidence in discussing and responding to the religion and belief of those they work with.  We learn about the core beliefs and cultural practices of the main faiths, and the individual needs that may arise from a person’s faith or belief identity.  We consider where unintentional discrimination may occur in the organisations we work for, and discuss steps to remove it.  The course is highly interactive and assumes no prior knoweldge of any faith.  It is designed for those who work directly with the public or with service users, but is also relevant to HR staff, equality officers and managers who may need to respond to the needs of staff from diverse religion or belief backgrounds. Introduction to the topic.  Do you choose your religion? Religion and belief as a Protected Characteristic. How does it compare to race, age, disability etc? Chronology of religions quiz and discussion. An interactive group exercise which invariably prompts a range of questions and helps delegates identify gaps in their own knowledge. Faith demographics in Scotland.  How many people identify as being from the main faith groups and how has this changed in recent years? Core beliefs and cultural practices of the main religions in Scotland –Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism Responding to individual needs. This is a chance for delegates to discuss the impact of religion and belief on their own working role. Sub-topics within this could include: Gender roles and expectations Clothing and dress Dietary needs and fasting Prayer times, festivals and holy days Experiences of hate crime and prejudice Common misperceptions and stereotypes to avoid The Equality Act duty to ‘foster good relations’ Who Is The Course For? The training is intended for anyone whose work brings them into contact with people from a range of religion and belief identities – whether service users, customers or colleagues.  Of course, those who wish to attend because of a general interest in the topic are also very welcome! Please get in touch if you have any access needs or want to discuss the course.

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