Offenders are often vilified and considered dangerous, however these offenders don’t often present in private practice, the victims or those who have offended but serve community sentences are the ones we meet. Sentences can seem mysterious and sometimes frustrating for the unknowing. Sometimes the unknown causes a great deal of fear and questioning about the ability to work with certain groups. Sometimes however we can be a little over confident and say one thing but really mean another. This day course will enable practitioners to look at their true feelings and assess what they are really comfortable with. Ri Punt is a counsellor, lecturer and supervisor working with member s of the public, counselling trainees and both student and qualified supervisees. Ri believes that the clients students and supervisees have the answer within themselves and that she is a catalyst to change and knowledge, using various techniques and challenges to enable everyone to be the best they can be. Ri has worked with children and young people, Domestic abuse survivors, perpetrators of abuse, young offenders, and military veterans. Ri’s wide experience spans 20 years of working within the community, both therapeutically and as a youth and community practitioner. Most recently Ri has been working exclusively online with young people, and in private practice. Prior to this. Ri was involved in the teaching and development of student counsellors, running a BA Hons Counselling Programme. Ri has a MSc in Military and Global Veterans as well as Post graduate teaching and counselling qualifications. Ri is also an experienced and degree qualified youth and community worker. She is passionate about counselling and broadening participation and access to services. A committed facilitator and counsellor, she relishes opportunities to aid the development of counsellors and the emotional wellbeing of communities.