Wiltshire Stop Smoking Best Practice Event July 2020

This event is for Wiltshire Stop Smoking Practitioners as listed below. Those who completed their Stop Smoking Practitioner Training within the last 6 months and need some additional input to deliver stop smoking support within their workplace Those who need to attend an annual update as part of delivering a Stop Smoking Service in Wiltshire Those who completed their initial Stop Smoking Practitioner Training over 3 years ago Those who have not regularly delivered stop smoking sessions and need refresher training Best Practice Events will cover: Nicotine addiction Pharmacotherapy Supporting behaviour change Delivering a stop smoking service Carbon monoxide monitoring Case studies Electronic cigarettes  The training will be facilitated by one of our Public Health Specialists. The event is free of charge and open to attend for anyone who has completed the Wiltshire Stop Smoking Practitioner training and is able to deliver a stop smoking service in Wiltshire. If you have any questions please contact: wiltsstopsmoking@nhs.net

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