Looking for a FREE local weight loss support group? Look no further. WHO Our attendees are of all ages and all genders who understand the importance of support from their peer group when it comes to losing weight. WHYSharing your tips, frustrations, highs and lows of your weight loss journey is beneficial to both you and others. WHEREWe meet at the right hand side of the main bar. WHENWe meet every Wednesday of course. Get there between 7pm and 7.30pm. The meeting finishes whenever…. WHATDiscuss your weight loss journey for the week just gone with your fellow dieters. Don’t be frightened to reveal your total weight loss or even gain for the week. Share what worked and didn’t work. COSTIt’s 100% free and always will be. DRESS CODEBecause it’s an unmanned event wear something blue. When you see someone wearing blue at the right hand side of the main bar say «Hello!» RULESBe courteous and wear something blue. That’s it. ATTENDIf you want to attend you have to reserve your free ticket for every attendee. AFTER THE EVENTShare your experience on social media using the hashtag #weightlosswednesdays MORE INFOVisit follow us on Instagram @weightlosswednesdays OUR SPONSORThis event is sponsored by Ajay Ahuja the author of The Eat Anything Diet book, Get your free copy by visiting the eatanything.net website.