?? Dear Live Electronic Music Enthusiasts ?? ? Come get lost or find yourself in a night of musical surprises, solid live electronic beats, intriguing soundscapes, face-slapping ambience and ****-kicking drinks and food… Hãy cùng tham gia chương trình và lạc trong một buổi tối âm nhạc đầy sự bất ngờ, những âm điệu electronic chắc nịch, thế giới âm thanh đầy màu sắc và các giai điệu ambience đầy huyền ảo cùng với thức uống và đồ ăn xuất sắc của quán ? ? 9 PM : Jauge –> Electronica / Ambient / Techno [UK] ? 10 PM : Tropicalborders –> Dark Electro Ambient [FR] ? 11 PM : Fritz Baumberger –> Electro Synth Techno [CH] ? 12 AM: Kim Trang –> Techno Noise [VN] ? 01 AM: Bac Gau Cam –> Bass / Noise / Experimental [BE] [ ALL LIVE ELECTRONIC SETS] ? After the success of our last episode, ELECTRO JAM is glad to announce its July’s Session, with even more little boxes that make noises and sounds, artists playing their Live Electronic Set for the first time and others giving a go to a new type of performances… Sau thành công của chuỗi sự kiện, ELECTRO JAM xin được công bố buổi biểu diễn tiếp theo của tháng 7, với càng nhiều hơn những “chiếc hộp âm thanh và tiếng động” và các nghệ sĩ chơi các set nhạc live electronic mới nhất của mình cùng với sự cổng hưởng ngẫu hứng của các nghệ sĩ khác tạo ra một trải nghiệm âm nhạc hoàn toàn mới cho bạn… ? – Free Entry – – 9PM ~ 2AM – ___________________________________________ ….. ?- J a u g e – ? Jauge is a creator of musical ideas. From the UK to VN, he has shared his sounds and music creations at various venues and events. Throughout his production, live and DJ sets, he aims to take listeners on a rollercoaster of sound. As part of the newly born Magic Box Engine, Jauge is currently focussing on a cosmic wave of sonic-surfing-collage-collaborations alongside a team based in VN. ? https://soundcloud.com/jauge ? http://jauge.bandcamp.com/album/juke-box-mbe001 ….. ?- T r o p i c a l B o r d e r s – ? Tropical borders is a minimal 3 channels hardware setup improvisation traveling high between sky and the forest canopy, digging deep into the dark cave. The result is a raw analog sound dirty and sharp at the same time. ? https://soundcloud.com/tropicalborders ….. ?- Der Frucht – ? In my early twenties I had a HipHop-Crew and I did a lot of Freestyle-Rap in our studio or on open-mics. During this time I started to fall in love with KORG. First I had one KaossPad KP3 which I used to record Loops by beatboxing or in combination with the Roland drumpad SPD-S. Later I had two Kaosspads KP3 and also a Kaossilator Pro which I used for some synth-lines. Then I spent some time doing stuff in ableton live with MIDI-controllers and keyboard. two years ago I sold all my MIDI-Devices and bought the KORG volcas because I wanted to do music without a screen in front of my face. The reason why I like analogue synthesizers so much, is because of the raw sound, the feeling when I turn the knobs and play around with «real» filters and oscilators and because of the direct sequencing and recording. Mostly I like to play with other people and create some nice electronic vibes from scratch. I like improvising and the surprise by jamming with others. Favorite bpm is between 120 and 130 but if I’m in the mood I also like to have some smooth sessions with smooth and warm synth-sound. ….. ?- K i m T r a n g – ? Born in Ho Chi Minh City, KIMTrang is an electronic musician/ sound artist who has explores experimental and virtual reality topics during her training in Denmark. Her reations contain dense and condensed sounds with alternative texture and raw emotions, all combined in an exciting atmosphere. Her projects feature electronic improvisation, different sonic textures created from technology, and an aim to create an artistic platform of human connections by structure and technology. ? https://soundcloud.com/kim-trang-592713408 ? https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwUpYgsrfbGYw1G0Ztz0nFg?fbclid=IwAR1X3girdZISPz7t5Wzr7ZJcsBsTiCJvMZMqWbhiRDGMoreK6Q5wR_7cMbM [IG] changkimmm ….. ?- B a c G a u C a m – ? Belgian musician, producer and DJ, Adrien is converting cooking and mixology into a musical dinner via the fusion of genres, musical instruments, bpm’s and cultures in order to bring you a 5 courses menu changing weekly to monthly, depending on his tastes, moods and available products of the seasons… ? https://soundcloud.com/bacgaucam ? https://www.facebook.com/Bac-Gau-Cam-743995145808273/