You’ve completed the Level 1 channeling class, identified the guide who wished to come through you and successfully channeled that being’s name and messages, and the guide even answered questions for you. And you have your recording to prove it. Now you want to take it to the next level! (Prerequisite: Completion of Level 1 Channeling)IN THIS FIVE-WEEK* LEVEL 2 CLASS, YOU WILL:· Learn to replicate this channeling experience by inducing your own trance state, call your guide forth, identify that feeling, know you are connected, and begin channeling without assistance (Don’t worry, you will receive a lot of support along the way until you are ready to take that step on your own!)· Hear a live channeled message from one of the archangels who is supporting you in this class· Practice answering questions through your guides from classmates· Practice offering healings through your guide to classmates· Identify other beings who may also be waiting in the wings to speak through you and have the opportunity to have a second being speak through you· Receive a 1-hour Spiritual Response Therapy (“SRT”) clearingto remove the limiting beliefs and/or blocks that may be standing in the way of your spiritual work and your ability to access your gifts, channeling and otherwise (performed outside of class time via telephone before first class)· Practice, practice, practice until you feel like a pro!Throughout the five weeks, you will get readings and healings from other class bring pen, paper and a smartphone or other type of device to record your channels.*Please note that the five-week duration of the class is based upon 9 students per class. If class enrollment is sufficiently smaller, we may be able to complete our objective in four OF CLASS, INCLUDING SRT CLEARING: $235LEVEL II- Tuesday, July 23rd at 6:30 pm- Tuesday, July 30th at 6:30 pm- Tuesday, August 6th at 6:30 pm- Tuesday, August 13th at 6:30 pm- Tuesday, August 27th at 6:30 pmCOST AND PAYMENTLevel 1 – All in-person classes at DYSG and one Spiritual Response Therapy Clearing (1-1/2 hours in length) conducted over the phone – $225 cash, check or PayPal. SRT Clearing will be scheduled before the first class meets, and will take place no later than the date of the second 2 – All in-person classes at DYSG and one telephone check-in with Joyce, approximately 15 minutes, to discuss any questions or issues that come up while you are practicing outside of class – $235 cash, check or 3 – All in-person classes at DYSG and one telephone check-in with Joyce, approximately 15 minutes, to discuss progress, questions or issues that may come up outside of class – $255 cash, check or JOYCEJoyce Jarrell is a channel for the Divine, including a group of Ascended Masters called The Protectors of the Light, the Archangels, fairies and water spirits. In addition to channeling for groups and individuals, Joyce teaches others to channel in a series called Voices of the Masters. She performs Spiritual Response Therapy (“SRT”) as well, which clears blocks from individuals, enabling them to more freely express their & BUILDING ACCESSFREE PARKING at the Little Creek Office Building and across the street beside Shootin’ Shop South.