VIA Maternity Center Tour

Tour begins in the Main Lobby of Doylestown Hospital. Registration required. Please note: if you are planning to take Prepared Childbirth 101 at Doylestown Hospital, a tour is included and you do not need to sign up for this free tour. Please leave the number «1» in Number of Attendees. One indicates a couple. Disclaimer: Event registration data is stored on Eventbrite, a secure non-Doylestown Health site. All financial transactions associated with the event registration data take place on a secure server, which encrypts the details of registration transactions. After registering for an event, you will receive an email confirming the order details. We encourage you to read our privacy policy, so that you will clearly understand how we manage and protect your information that you give us through our website(s). Keywords: Childbirth & Parenting, Maternity

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