UPTOWN BOYS Uptown Boys, an acoustic power-pop duo from the neighborhood north of Graceland Cemetery, plays catchy, clever tunes about the four basic topics of rocking, romance, loneliness, and geography. SIXCUPS Rock and Roll band featuring the jangle and angst of American songwriter Matt Walters. NIMROD Nimrod is a 3 piece rock band from nearby Crown Point, Indiana. We just recently released our debut EP, Bored Warfare. Our sound has been described as Indie Rock, Garage Rock, and Post-Punk and we’ve been compared to such bands as Twin Peaks, Cloud Nothings, The Thermals, Parquet Courts, and The Strokes. In short, if Is This It? had a baby with Bleached that grew up listening to Exile on Main Street on repeat, that baby would sound just like us. COOKBOOK Cookbook is Jason and Devin. They play raw rock n roll, folky blues and some ballads thrown in for good measure. They’re finishing up their first EP which will be available soon! Fievent.com | Contact | Privacy | Terms