Unique Goal Setting Workshop

A goal setting workshop with a difference! Discover how to develop a growth mindset and the ability to accept the things that don’t go well, mistakes and failures and turn them into positives, even if it wasn’t exactly what you planned on it being! Having motivations and goals are what drives us forward. Setting goals and having a plan make it real in our mind and give us something to work towards. Without motivation, we wouldn’t strive for anything. In this workshop we will look at what motivates you, set some goals and look at the limitations you have put on yourself and what you curretly believe about yourself that stops you from achieving these goals and dreams. Allowing yourself the freedom to fail, build resiliance and know how to get back up when you are down!  About the Event The perfect event for setting your new years goals and making a plan to become the best version of you, making it realy in your mind. Set your goals for 2020 and start the new year off with purpose. In this workshop we will also look at what is holding you back from acheiving your goals and look to remove these limiting beliefs. Watch out 2020!!

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