UniPro Chicago-Midwest Launch Event – Save the Date

UniPro is launching a Chicago-Midwest chapter. Save the date 4/23/16 and join us for our launch event! ALL ARE WELCOME! Please feel free to invite your organizations, board members, friends and colleagues. Tentative Schedule Cocktail/Networking 6:00pm UniPro Program 7:00pm Please fill out our survey and share it with your friends and family so we can begin to see what our community really needs.

Student Survey: http://tinyurl.com/uniprochi-studentsurvey

Community Professional Survey: http://tinyurl.com/uniprochi-communitysurvey What is UniPro? Pilipino American Unity for Progress, Inc. (UniPro) educates, empowers, and connects the Pilipino American community by providing a platform for dialogue and growth. We unite Pilipino Americans through collaborative action, leadership development, and advocacy.

Learn More about UniPro: http://unipronow.org/

Pilipino American Unity for Progress (UniPro) @unipronow — It is with great excitement that we formally introduce Unipro Chicago-Midwest. It is the Chicago-based chapter of Pilipino American Unity for Progress, Inc. (UniPro). UniPro educates, empowers, and connects the Pilipino American community by providing a platform for dialogue and growth. We unite Pilipino Americans through collaborative action, leadership development, and advocacy. While UniPro’s national headquarters is based in New York, our UniPro Chicago-Midwest chapter is proudly built upon leadership cultivated in the Midwest. Our goal is to continue the work and legacy built by our MFAS/MAFA schools by providing a place for those leaders/participants after they graduate from college and/or have moved on to a professional setting. We want to expand our networks and horizons as a region by working with our chapters in San Diego, Seattle and New York to build our Pilipino American presence as a young professional body and to better our region by sharing ideas, resources and support.

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