Timor-Leste LGBTI Pride 2017

TETUN: Timor-Leste, konsidera nuudar lideransa mos ba direitus humanus iha rejiaun Azia nian. Hanesan membru UN nian, Timor-Leste sempre hamrik hamutuk ho rai sira seluk ne’ebé mós luta atu kontra diskriminasaun no violénsia bazeia ba orientasaun seksual no identidade jenéru. Iha rai laran mós iha lei Kódigu Penál ho artigu ida ne’ebé hare’e ho seriu krimi sira ne’ebé mak halo ho sentimentu diskriminasaun nian bazeia ba ‘orientasaun seksual’ no ‘jenéru’. Maibe, diskriminasaun no violénsia bazeia ba orientasaun seksual no identidade jenéru sei akontese nafatin no beibeik iha rai laran. Maske seidauk iha dadus husi peskiza formal, kolega sira ne’ebé servisu hamutuk ho komunidade LGBTI (*******, Gay, Biseksual, Transgender, Intersex) iha Timor-Leste rona beibeik konaba maluk LGBTI sira ne’ebé mak esperensia violénsia, no família balu hasai sira husi uma, tan de’it sira-nia identidade LGBTI nian. Balu dehan sira la ba eskola ona tanba ema goza nia a uza sira beibeik. Balu mós dehan sira sente laseguru atu lao iha fatin publiku. Kazu sira hanesan ne’e dalabarak nunka resolve tanba membru komunidade barak ladun iha koñesimentu ka kompreensaun konaba issue hirak ne’e, inklui mós sira iha sektor seguransa no iha nivel governu. Iha tinan kotuk Codiva sai nudar organizador ba eventu ‘Pride’ nian ho naran “Livre sai an rasik”, no eventu ne’e lao ho susesu. Tinan ida ne’e, HATUTAN, UN Women no parseiru sira seluk sei organiza Timor-Leste nia eventu LGBTI Pride nian ba daruak. Tema ba tinan ida ne’e nia tematiku mak ‘simu malu’, hodi nunee bele luta hamutuk atu prevene violénsia no diskriminasaun hasoru maluk LGBTI sira. No mós, atu fo esperansa ba maluk LGBTI sira ne’ebé mak sei susar atu sente família no komunidade seluk simu sira iha fatin hanesan eskola, uma laran, no fatin publiku tan deit sira-nia diferensa. ENGLISH: Timor-Leste is considered to be a champion of human rights in the region. At the UN, the country has constantly positioned itself among countries that are anti-discrimination and violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Domestically, there is an article on the Penal Code that considers crimes motivated by discriminatory sentiment on the basis of “gender” and “sexual orientation” (among other grounds) to be aggravating circumstances, which may incur greater penalties. However discrimination and violence based on sexual orientation and gender identity in Timor-Leste are still common. Although there is yet to be official data to prove, we do encounter in our work many people who admit to being physically abused and kicked out of home for being LGBTI. Some say they drop out of school due to excessive bullying and some feel uncomfortable walking on the streets. Cases are often ignored due to the lack of public knowledge and understanding on the issue, including from the law enforcement and policymakers. Following the success of “Free to be me,” the first Pride event that was organized publicly in Dili last year by Codiva, the Hatutan youth group, working together with UN Women and other partners, will organize Timor-Leste’s second LGBTI Pride this year on the theme of “acceptance,” to call for the prevention of violence and discrimination against LGBTI people, and to give hopes to those who still struggle to feel accepted in schools, at homes, and on the streets because of their differences. Fievent.com | Contact | Privacy | Terms

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