This is to signal your interest in being involved in The Troupe, a CBC Comedy Coup project. The show is a behind-the-scenes look at being in a small-city sketch comedy troupe. Think a way-less glamorous Thirty Rock. Tone: Louis meets Kids in the Hall meets Broad City. Each episode centres around a pitch session, where the members of The Troupe pitch different ideas, some fully developed, some half-baked and random. While the sketches are being described (or dreamed up on the spot), we see them form, taking us inside the writers` creative process (and giving us license to do any number of ridiculous things or one-liners). We’re then taken into scenes from the sketch comedian’s lives and through the process of making the skit, idea jams, first reads, and outtakes. Each episode will end with some or all of a completed skit, with full skits made available as web-only extras. I`m just one person–a crazy kid with a dream–so I’m going to need a lot of help. | Contactez | Privacy | Terms