TEDxFrankfurt (Don’t) Wait

TEDxFrankfurt (Don’t) Wait “One day I’ll be ready”, “One day I’ll get this done” – that’s a mantra we often hear our inner voice repeat. And even though there are times in day-to-day life when there is no other option than to wait and show patience, when it comes to our dreams and our goals, we often find ourselves waiting for that special moment, the right moment, to say or do that thing we always wanted to do. But: why wait? Reasons are countless, we opt to wait for practical, time-based, financial, fear based reasons, we generally do anything to avoid the touchdown, the feedback, the launch, the unknown, the new. But the opportunity to take that first step is always there and it is profound. Meet our speakers who have decided to make a change, take matters in their own hands, danced with their fear and have left the waiting queue. You might be more prepared than you think! Don’t wait for the right moment, create it! Registration starts at 1.00 pm. Programm starts at 2.00 pm. Find more information on the program and speakers on Please note:  Tickets to TEDxFrankfurt can not be cancelled! You can transfer paid tickets to another person and change the name on the ticket via your Eventbrite Account – or write an email to info@tedxfrankfurt.de. Audio and image recordings will be made at our events. By participating in these events, you agree that such recordings may be made of you while in attendance and that these recordings may be used in all known media channel (TV, online, print, etc.) for an unlimited scope and time frame. Entfernen oder Ereignis zu aktualisieren

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