LECTURER: Hongchun YIN PROGRAM: (in English language) 1. Common characteristics of disease in the tip part of the tongue. The location of eyes, nose, ears, mouth and brain on the tongue, and the treatment of common diseases of those organs by Chinese herbs and acupuncture; and specially discuss some disease treatment such as headache, insomnia, hair loss and so on. 2. Organs reflected in the upper-jiao area of the tongue and the tongue characteristics of disease in these organs. This part mainly discusses the heart, the lungs, and the breasts. Their location and related disease treatment. 3. How to find thyroid location on the tongue and related disease treatment in Chinese medicine. Registration here not later than June 30th: https://ogka.at/parser/anmeldung.php?id=2135378647 More information: https://www.tcmkongress.at/en/Inhalte/Index/2012 Fievent.com | Kontakt | Privacy | Terms