Take Action Chicago

Have you ever walked past a person asking for money in the street and been conflicted on what to do? On one hand, you want to help by giving money, but on the other hand, you may think it would be better to give them information for resources that can help them long term. Rarely, though, does one have this information on hand, until now. On this event page, there is a link to an information sheet for an organization called The Night Ministry () that you can give to people asking for help on the streets. The Night Ministry operates through a bus that travels throughout the city and helps people by listening to their stories, offering food, and offering medical services. More importantly, when people come to The Night Ministry Bus, they can also be connected to other resources to help them out of poverty. Please take 5 minutes to print out a double sided copy of the Word Document at the following link so whenever you’re out and about in Chicago, you can give this information out to those in need and help empower them to make a difference in their lives. Invite your friends to this event, and please message me with other websites or resources that we can put on this page. Please see these other websites for ideas on how to take actions that make a difference in Chicago. *The date is set for January 2015 so that it will stay on your facebook so that you can access it for years to come to keep up to date on resources and print out additional information sheets* Fievent.com | Contact | Privacy | Terms

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