Strategic Pricing

Pricing is the fastest and most effective way for companies to increase profitability. Studies show that a 1% increase in pricing has a greater positive impact on profitability than does a 1% increase in sales volume or a 1% decrease in costs. Unfortunately, too many companies do not think tactically about pricing and do not effectively price for profitability. This workshop is designed to help small business owners and managers to understand common mistakes that companies make in pricing and learn best pricing practices that will enable them to maximize company profitability. This class is taught by a University of Texas Instructor and counts toward the 6 course requirement needed to earn your Business Skills Certification. About the  Instructor: Walter Laich is President of Laich Financial Planning Group (LFPG) where he provides personal financial planning and business development services for entrepreneurs and nonprofit organizations.  As an instructor with UT Austin’s Professional Education Program, Walter teaches several courses in financial management and business development to ***** entrepreneurs. The City of Austin is proud to be in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. For assistance please contact (512) 974-9053 or Relay Texas 7-1-1.

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