Songwriting workshop

This activity is eligible for Songwriter Rewards. Find out more:  A two-day Songwriting workshop for young people aged 8-18. Meet other young songwriters and get tips and feedback from a professional how to write, perform and record a song in 2 days, or bring a song you’d like to work on. Please bring a packed lunch for each day. Refreshments will be provided. Day 1 (10:00 – 15:30):Songwriting masterclass. Day 2 (10:00 – 15:30):Work in groups and prepare your songs for recording and performance. The day will finish with an informal performance to friends and family at 3pm. You are welcome to bring an existing song to work on. It is open to individuals and groups/bands. Instruments are provided or you can bring your own. For young people receiving support from HCC’s CLA team, free school meals or remission of fees, places are available free of charge – please call 01438 844713 to discuss this option.

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