Social Studies Advanced Writing Workshop with Bob Patters…

Writing is a process that is central to learning, not only because of its usefulness for academic success and employability, but also because of the innate satisfactions related to discovering and controlling ideas. If you would like to develop your writing skills in any of the following areas, please consider registering for this one week workshop: Deconstructing essay questions in order to understand their complexity and depth. Creating thesis statements that fully answer the question asked. Incorporating specific detailed examples to support assertions. Understanding the basic rules and procedures of Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate writing assignments. Gathering the skills necessary to do well in advanced social studies classes. Implementing the seven major historical thinking skills as emphasized by the AP and IB redesigned courses. Grades: Primarily for rising sophomores, juniors and seniors taking Honors, AP or IB classes in social studies who would like to enhance their writing skills. Non-Trinity students may also apply if seating is available. Dates:             Session 1: Monday, July 22 – Friday**, July 26 (9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.)  **No Class Wednesday, July 24             Session 2: Monday, August 12 – Thursday, August 15 (5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.)  Location: Trinity Campus, Academic Building, Room E-2 Cost: $250.00 Instructor: Bob Patterson, About Bob Patterson: Mr. Patterson is Head of the Social Studies Department and teaches Advanced Placement United States History, Advanced Placement Government, and International Baccalaureate Higher Level Economics, among other courses. Mr. Patterson serves as a College Board Reader Table Leader and grades the College Board (AP) US History examinations and as a moderator for both IB Economics end of year examinations and extended essays.

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