If you are getting close to making very difficult and complicated decisions regarding Social Security, Medicare and Long-Term Care, come to my seminar! This will help answer a lot of your questions and give you the confidence in making the right decisions for you and your family! Feel free to bring friends/family. Snacks will be provided. SOCIAL SECURITY: • How your Social Security benefits are calculated• The impact and costs of starting Social Security before or after your full retirement age• How working after you begin receiving benefits could affect how much you receive• How marriage and divorce can affect your Social Security benefits• Taxation of your Social Security benefits MEDICARE: • What’s covered by Medicare: Part A and B, Part C, and Part D• Medicare eligibility: election and enrollment period• Prescription drug coverage: penalties, cost, sharing stages and formularies• Medicare Advantage vs. Medicare Supplements vs. Original Medicare LONG-TERM CARE • Why long-term care planning is important• How much will long term care cost• What does long-term care insurance cover and what are my options