Social Justice Book Club • Book one • How to be an antira…

This is a supportive program of Courageous Conversations on Race Relations , which are presented by: Mt. Olive Baptist Church, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, StarkFreshPLEASE SHARE!!!!! THIS IS OPEN FOR EVERYONE TO ATTEND AND PARTICIPATEChapter 12,13,14,15 will be discussed at this session. be sure you have read them. Each chapter is roughly 15 pages long.If you miss a date, just be sure to do the reading so you are caught up and ready for the next to guide your reading:1. What sentence or passage do you think was most significant? Which spoke to you the most?2. Any questions for clarification?3. What was something you learned? What action will you take from this knowledge?After a year-long conversation between community members, churches and citizens who want to see a meaningful, lasting change happen within our community, and seven community conversations, we are adding a social justice book club to support the work we are doing together.The dates of the book club are: 10/22/19 • 11/12/19 12/10/19 • 1/7/20 • 1/28/20 and will meet at 6:30 and books will be provided if you need one.YOU MUST RSVP to 330-455-0286

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