Single Tooth Implant Surgery and Restoration – How to Add…

You already practice other phases of dentistry, why not Implants? With our help you will be able to add implant surgery and restoration to your everyday office procedures. You will increase your income quickly and substantially by learning the techniques presented in this 2 day seminar. You will leave more confident and capable than you previously believed possible, knowing which cases to do and which to refer. Our step-by-step training can be put to use right away. Our past participants have recession-proofed their practices with skills they have learned through Implant Educators. Select location by ticket below: Time 8:30 am- 5:00 pm  Orlando, FL: July 18-19, 2020 Hyatt Orlando Convention Center 8741 International Dr Orlando, FL 32819 Sarasota, FL:  August 15-16, 2020 Location- TBA Ft. Lauderdale, FL: October 10-11, 2020 Regency Square Academy 4789 SW 148th Ave Suite 205 Davie, Fl 33330 Day 1Introduction to oral implantologyDiagnosis and treatment planningSocket GraftingSoft tissue considerationsIncision designImplant placementSurgical closureWhen and how to uncover implantsHands-on Workshops Socket Graft on ModelsImplant positioning guide construction Day 2 Implant prosthetic treatment planning Parts and pieces – clearing up the confusion Abutment and material selection Implant retained overdentures Impressioning techniques Temporization How to avoid complications Which cases to do and which to refer Hands-on Workshops Surgical implant placement on models Implant impressioning/Scanning Implant overdenture workshop | Contact | Privacy | Terms

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