Service Learning 101

This event is open to GGC faculty only. Please register with your GGC e-mail address.   Service Learning 101   Have you ever thought about how your teaching can positively impact your community? Service learning is a pedagogy that connects the community to the classroom, creating meaningful opportunities for students to learn by doing while becoming informed and productive citizens. We invite you to explore this exciting and meaningful teaching style and discover how the community can be a presence in your classroom. Facilitator: Dr. C. Douglas Johnson, Professor of Leadership and Management   Dr. C. Douglas Johnson (a.k.a., Dr. Doug) is a Professor of Leadership and Management at Georgia Gwinnett College (GGC), where he teaches courses such as Organizational Behavior, Leadership in 21st Century Organizations and the Essentials of Leadership. As a first-generation college student, he received his B.S. in accounting from Clemson University, an MBA in human resources from the University of Connecticut, and a M.S. and Ph.D. in industrial/organizational psychology from the University of Georgia. During his academic career, Johnson has published and/or presented over 100 papers. His research focuses on social capital, careers, diversity and the experiences of organizational outsiders within (individuals who have been marginalized, harassed or discriminated against). He has published in outlets such as the Academy of Management Learning and Education, Journal of Vocational Behavior and Educational and Psychological Measurement. He is editor of the book, Social Capital: Theory, Measurement, and Outcomes and co-editor of forthcoming book, Intersectionality and Student-Centered Learning. He is a past associate editor and editorial board member for The Business Journal of Hispanic Research and has served in various leadership capacities within the Academy of Management, Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity and the community. Johnson is committed to personal and professional development of students and young professionals through mentoring activities. He has received awards for his teaching, student engagement, scholarship and creative activities, and service, being the first to receive all four faculty awards of excellence at GGC. He is an inspirational speaker and has facilitated many sessions on leadership, leadership development, diversity and community engagement. In addition to his academic experience, he has held applied human resource practitioner and consultant positions with organizations such as General Electric, PeopleSoft, IBM, Michelin North America and United Technologies Corporation. He enjoys spending time with his family, writing poetry and short stories, creating word search puzzles and listening to gospel music.

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