Join us at Dunchurch Park Hotel & Conference Centre for the Midland’s only SSAS exclusive Business Networking event. This dynamic and refreshing networking event is focused on business owners who share the passion for exploring the diversity and opportunity of a SSAS, the connection and collaboration of this highly intelligent SSAS Alliance Business Network and the wealth of investment opportunity that it is enabling. If you haven’t immersed yourself in the incredible potential of SSAS pensions and how they can form a crucial and liberating pillar for long term compounding wealth strategy, then this is a MUST attend event for you. A SSAS Trust is a pension scheme you manage yourself. It stands for “Small Self Administered Scheme”.The SSAS Alliance is a community of like-minded investors and property professionals who use SSAS Trusts to develop and protect control of your assets and ensure your future prosperity. The Business Network are the backbone of the SSAS Alliance. They are where we meet and support each other with ideas and knowledge. Exciting programmes of experienced and inspiring speakers, real networking with people who have something in common with each other: these are what set the SSAS Alliance Business Network apart from other business support groups.