Regional Parent Cafe- Monmouth County

Regional Parent Café Series: Moving the Vision from Concept to Reality Meaningful parent leadership occurs when parents gain the knowledge and skills to represent the “parent voice” to help shape the direction of their schools’ programs and student outcomes. Parent leadership is successfully achieved when parents and administration build effective partnerships that lead to a positive impact on the overall improvement of student achievement, family engagement and community partnership. In this Parent Café, parent leaders will: Discuss and analyze your leadership style and how it can affect the dynamic of the group Identify ways to encourage team members to use their strengths in leadership roles within the team. Gain the tools to develop and sharpen your leadership skills to move your vision from concept to reality.   PRESENTERS: Stefanie Babits and Michele Tyler, Parent Group Specialists For more information email: Empowered Families: Educated, Engaged, Effective!   Engaging Parents of Students with Disabilities is a partnership between the New Jersey Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (NJOSEP) and SPAN Parent Advocacy Network.

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