Race in Place for New Hope Peru

Join us for a virtual Race in Place on July 18 to help raise funds for New Hope’s COVID educational needs! The school year in Peru was just about to begin in March when the country was placed under strict quarantine measures. All schooling is now being done remotely via radio, television and internet. For our houseparents who are caring for children in multiple grades, this has created a complex homeschooling situation! We have hired several educators to help with coordinating classes and supporting our kids in their remote learning. These are unexpected costs that will run at least through the end of the Peruvian school year in December. Funds from this Race in Place will help to cover the costs of our educators for the rest of the year! How does the virtual Race in Place work? – You choose to complete the race whenever you like on July 18 – You choose you own distance and pace for your Race in Place – a 1-mile fun run/walk, 5k or 10K! – You choose to complete the race wherever you like – even at home on a treadmill if that’s best for you! – We’ll send you a race poster to print out and take a photo with on race day – share your picture on social media using #raceinplaceNHP and tagging us @newhopeperu – Have fun and know that you are making a real difference in the lives of the kids and staff at New Hope during this time! You can get more information and register online at https://www.donorrise.com/NewHopePeru/race! #raceinplaceNHP

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