phpday 2020, 14-15th May – the 17th edition! The International PHP conference in Italy Browse the last editions: website 2019 | Twitter | Vimeo | YouTube | Facebook Call for Papers will be open soon, keep in touch! You can get a COMBO ticket to access phpday AND jsday, the International JavaScript conference that will take place on the previous days (May 12-13th), in the same venue and from the same organising team. phpday is organized by GrUSP. FAQ – The tickets are not refundable. – If you are a student, or you need to buy multiple tickets (at least 5 tickets of any kind) mail to info@ a discount. – We have a SCHOLARSHIP SCHEME: you can apply for a free ticket if you are a member of under-represented groups in technology – women, minorities, LGBTQIA+, people with disabilities, or other under-represented groups. – The tickets are nominative: you can change the name on it until a week before the event. – INVOICING: you’ll receive an email with the instructions after the purchase. Rimuovere o aggiornare evento