Am Montag, 09. September 2019 findet unser nächstes Community Meeting ab 17:30 statt. Diesmal sind wir zu Gast bei runtastic in Linz und freuen uns auf die folgenden Talks: Alerting on DWH Building and maintaining software systems is a complex process. There are several methodologies and frameworks that help us make these systems even more robust. However, bugs will always sneak in; it’s only human. No matter what business process we’re talking about, Data is our source of truth. We present a framework for implementing automated data quality checks and monitoring on a DWH. These quality checks can help us alert any interested party, whether they’re the QA team, Data Engineers or even Business Analysts, of anomalies in our source systems and, hopefully, take action. presented by Gustavo Puma, Data Architect @ runtastic From Power BI to AI AI is everywhere – and now even included in Power BI Desktop. Sometimes AI might be very apparent when you enrich your data with predictions by explicitly calling an Azure Machine Learning web service in Power Query. Sometimes it might by hidden in a nice little context menu when Power BI is automagically explaining the reason of a difference or a change over time in your data to you. No matter if you are a business user, analyst or data scientist – Power BI has AI capabilities tailored to you. In this session we will cover how you can integrate and leverage the use of language R, how to integrate an Azure Machine Learning Service when loading data, what kind of insights Power BI is capable of delivering automatically, how you can create a complex new column without typing a single formula/function, how you can explore your data by asking questions in plain English, … and more! Sounds like a lot of content? I omitted most of the slides in favour to spend the time in live demos instead. Come in this session to learn how you can enrich your very own Business Intelligence with Artificial Intelligence and make the step up from Power BI to AI. presented by Markus Ehrenmüller-Jensen, Founder & Business Intelligence Architect @ Savory Data Entfernen oder Ereignis zu aktualisieren