Panel 4 – Carbon Pricing and Beyond

How can we increase support for carbon pricing in Canada? Should different strategies be applied by different provinces? What measures should accompany carbon pricing? How can we tie the objective of reducing GHG emissions with improvements in the quality of life of Canadian citizens and other issues that resonate in the population? What are the optimal ways for provinces to recycle revenues from carbon pricing in order to increase its political acceptability, fairness and impact on GHG reductions? 9:30-10:30 Keynote 3 TBC 10:30-12:00 Two speakers (30 minutes each + 30 minutes Q and A) Erik Lachapelle (Political Science, Université de Montréal) – Do rebates increase support for carbon taxes? Evidence from a panel study of Canadians in 2019
 Normand Mousseau (Physics, Université de Montréal) – Beyond carbon pricing: the need for a real climate strategy
  12:00-13:30 Lunch and coffee Uklanjanje ili ažurirati događaj

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