Learn the truth about opioids & other drugs, how to reverse an overdose and have compassion for addiction. Tickets are free, donations appreciated. Let’s get real and get stereotypes out of the way. This is an overdose reversal training and harm reduction semiar, providing education and safety practices on how to care for those around you, in your family, at your workplace, or among your customers who are struggling with addiction. During this 2.5 hour seminar, you will: Explore the root causes of the overdose epidemic (opioids and other drugs) Redefine addiction within the context of trauma and human connection Learn about the differences between endogenous, synthetic, and natural opioids Learn about harm reduction and how it applies to druc use Learn facts about drug use and debunk common myths practices on Learn how to reverse an overdose with naloxone (Narcan) Learn how to apply a harm reduction approach for long term healing and recovery Led by SeekHealing Harm Reduction Coordinator Kay Williams, Overdose and Addiction 101 will be held at the Goodwill Career Center, in room 207.