Oregon/ Bend- USPA Coach Certification

 The United States Powerlifting Association Coach Certification Instructor: Lord Elliott This certification course is a two day course and it includes the teaching progressions of the Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift and all associated movements. Participants will gain knowledge and experience of training for both competitive lifters and for athletes using these movements for strength and power development. The course includes theoretical classroom, and practical hands-on portions. Course duration is over one weekend and lasts approximately 18 hours divided between lecture and practical training. This course is applicable for Competitive Powerlifting Coaches, Strength & Conditioning Coaches, Sports Performance Coaches, Certified Personal Trainers, and Health & Fitness Enthusiasts.   The first step to achieving great results is an educated coach. The focal point of this program is for the coach to learn the scientific knowledge of human movement and adaptation for strength increases for powerlifting and competition.The information consists of:  Biomechanical Principles of Powerlifting Physiological Science of Powerlifting Evaluation and Assessment of Movement Flexibility for Improved Movement Sports-Specific Technique Fundamentals and Skill Lab Activities Program Design of Strength & Power Principles Sport Psychology Performance Nutrition Jr Strength Training Coaching for Competition Competition Preparation-Rules of performance (squat, bench press, deadlift) Roles and Responsibilities of Coaches  Course Also includes: 1yr USPA Membership Printable 300+ page USPA Powerlifting Essentials E-book Manual Comprehensive Certification Exam

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