ONE FREE CLASS AUDIT – Pre-teen/Teen Scene Study/Techniqu…

GA Film is booming! Whether your child actor is new or experienced, this class is geared to have them be ready for the audition. We talk about the business of acting, getting an agent, building tools for your acting toolbox such as creating monologues and working on scenes with partners. We also incorporate Improv, an important part of warming up and sharpening their skills.  About the teacher: AMEY RICHARDS Amey Richards was born in Houston, Texas. At age 11, she moved to Alvin, Texas. She attended Alvin High School and gained a passion for theatre under the guidance of her theatre teacher, Judy Radigan. Amey discovered she had been chosen for the role in Little Texas days after Hurricane Harvey hit the Houston area. In addition, Amey enjoys writing and has won two screenplay contests for two of her scripts. Amey now resides in Georgia. Book your FREE ACTING CLASS TODAY!

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