Oaklawn Halloween Block Party 2016

Start planning now for The Annual Halloween Street Party 2016. The Oaklawn Street Party which has turned into a major Dallas event returns Saturday, October 29, 2016 (the Saturday before Halloween) from 7pm to 2am in the 3900 block of Cedar Springs. Take a Uber, Lyft or a Free Taxi Ride

► http://bit.ly/FreeLyft ($50 off Lyft)

► http://bit.ly/FreeUberRideShare ($20 off Uber)

To get an idea on costumes or to order online head over to HalloweenEdge.com’s Facebook page or www.halloweenedge.com.

**** guys costume ideas can be found at http://bit.ly/SexyGayCostumes.

The event features the Costume Promenade, with live commentary, music, food, beer and other refreshments will be offered at seven service booths. Be sure to catch the Live DJ and featured Rose Room performances in the back lot! Admission to the street party is free. All ages welcome at the street party, but beer sales limited to 21+ only. The event area will be fenced. In accordance with state law, no personal liquor may be taken into the permitted area. Coolers are not permitted, and bags may be screened. Please be kind to our neighbors! Cruisin’ the Crossroads suspended for this event. #Oaklawn #BlockParty #Halloween #Dallas #CostumeContest Fievent.com | Contact | Privacy | Terms

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