The NUMECA User Meeting is a unique opportunity to get up to speed on the latest developments and witness some of our brand new cutting edge technology such as our Lattice Boltzmann approach, Discrete Element Modeling solution, the capabilities of our OMNIS™ platform and much more.  Program Tuesday, November 12 : Conference & Networking Dinner Wednesday, November 13 : Conference Thursday, November 14 : Training Day CHECK OUT THE 2018 AGENDA as a reference  Why you should not miss it Learn about the latest advancements and trends in CFD  Gain insights on how NUMECA’s CFD simulation tools can further help you reduce engineering time and come up with better designs at an affordable cost Listen how key industry leaders take advantage of NUMECA solutions in their design process Meet with our developers and engineering team to discuss your needs and the future directions of NUMECA software solutions Network with other professionals in your industry Verwijderen of bijwerken evenement

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