Developing Skilful Players: this is Week 2 of a four week program, consisting of the initial Seminar at the NTIS (duplicated on the previous Monday & Tuesday evenings of the first week) this week’s model training session, at a time and place to be advised. You will be required to attend for 90 minutes at the most, on Monday 17th or Tuesday 18th. The purpose is to observe a proficient coach using the approach(es) covered in the seminar, and at some time in the following two weeks, between June 24 and July5, an observation by an NTIS staff member of one of your sessions. This session is to include attempts on your part to utilise the concenpts covered in the initial seminar and the demonstration in the second week. It is therefore expected that you, if you register for this series, will be in attendance at the seminar and the demonstration, and willing to try out some of the particular coaching strategies that have been introduced. These will include: ways of creating a great learning environment; shaping technique through purposeful and progressive activities; delivering effective feedback, and getting meaningful feedback from your players.