Ne-Festival 2017 / Non-festival 2017

Z veseljem naznanjamo, da je pred nami že 5. mednarodni Ne-festival gledališča zatiranih, katerega namen je srečanje ustvarjalcev, ki delujejo po tehnikah gledališča zatiranih v Sloveniji in tujini, pa tudi drugih ljubiteljev gledališča zatiranih. Ne-festival bo letos potekal od 6. do 9. julija 2017 v Gornjem Gradu, kjer se razvajamo v objemu neokrnjene narave, zelenih gozdov, čistih potočkov, zvezdnatega neba brez ulične osvetljave in umirjenega tempa življenja. Več o mentorjih in vsebinah delavnic si lahko preberete na spletni strani: Hkrati se bo med 6.-9. julijem 2017 v DEOS Centru za starejše Gornji Grad odvijala tudi posebna delavnica za starejše občane z naslovom “Moja osebna zgodovina”, ki jo ***** vodila mentorja Simon Macuh in Metka Bahlen Okoli. Delavnice bodo zaprtega tipa. Njihova končna produkcija bo javna. Poleg delavnic bo festival ponujal tudi gledališko delavnico za otroke, ki se bo odvijala 8. julija 2017. Hkrati bo skozi vse štiri dni na voljo tudi brezplačno dnevno varstvo otrok v času delavnic. Obetajo se raznolike predstave ob večerih, kopanje v reki in večerno druženje ob ognju. PRIJAVE na spodnji povezavi so že odprte do zapolnitve mest (za največ 50 soustvarjalcev skupaj z organizacijsko ekipo). CENA: 45 € za štiri dni, 40 € za tri dni, 30 € za dva dni oziroma 15 € za en dan. — We are happy to announce the 5th international Non-festival of theatre of the oppressed, an opportunity to meet creative people working according to the methods of theatre of the oppressed in Slovenia and abroad and other supporters of theatre of the oppressed. This year the Non-festival will take place from July 6 th to 9th 2017 in Gornji Grad, in the heart of Slovenia amidst a beautiful landscape, green woods, unpolluted streams, under a starry sky with no street lights in an atmosphere of peace and serenity. For more information on the facilitators and contents of the workshops check our website . From 6th to 9th of July 2017 we will hold a special workshop in the DEOS centre in Gornji Grad for elderly people entitled “My personal history” and lead by mentors Simon Macuh and Metka Bahlen Okoli (SI). This workshop will be of a closed type, but its ending production will be public! Additionally we will be offering a special “Theatre workshop for children” on July 8th 2017 and a free children’s day care for all four days of the festival during workshops. In addition we offer bathing in the river, diverse performances and hanging out around a campfire in the evenings. You can APPLY VIA LINK BELOW. We will be accepting applications until all 50 (including organisers) places are filled up. Attendance fee: 4 days : 45 EUR, 3 days: 40 EUR, 2 days: 30 EUR and 1 day: 15 EUR. Odstraniti ali posodobiti dogodek | Kontakt | Privacy | Terms

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