Mohamed Shahin «Extraordinary Egypt» hosted by Zazzua Pro…

REGISTRATION IS UP!!! August 27th & 28th! Explore dances of Egypt with this AMAZING INTERNATIONAL Artist Mohamed Shahin! We will study «Baladi, Nubian, Oriental» and share a Saturday evening Theater presentation «Extraordinary Egypt»! Registration including LAYAWAY available! Early Bird Weekend Pass $185

A native of Cairo and originally trained as a mechanical engineer, Shahin discovered his passion for Egyptian Dance at the young age of fifteen. Throughout Shahin’s childhood, he was fascinated by all forms of dance. But at the young age of 15, Shahin decided quite suddenly that he would dedicate himself to learning Egyptian Folkloric Dance. After many years of the intense study of various Middle Eastern styles of dance, Modern dance, and Ballet- Shahin developed a complex methodology of instruction that has made him a Master teacher beloved to his students worldwide, today. Shahin currently lives in New York City but has been touring internationally full-time since 2004. At Shahin’s workshops, students fall in love with his friendly personality and the level of perfectionism and fine attention to detail that sets him apart as an instructor of Middle Eastern dances. He is a master teacher/ choreographer of Classical, Traditional, and Modern Raqs Sharqi; Shaabi, Cairo Street Dancing, Saidi, Arab-Andalusian Muwshahat, Khaleeji, and all forms of Egyptian Folkloric Dance. His explanations of technical breakdowns of the body isolations, movements, and combinations that make up his elaborate and challenging choreographies, during his classes, have made Shahin very popular among his students internationally. He has a wonderful connection with his students. And rightly so, Shahin’s mission as an instructor and performer representing Egyptian dance is to share as much of his extensive knowledge of Egyptian dance and Egyptian culture with his students, as possible. Shahin introduces the rich dance heritage of the Arab World to the Western World through his masculine performance repertoire which also includes the incredible Egyptian styling of the Whirling Dervish Dance. | Contact | Privacy | Terms

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