Hurray!! The MLOVE vibe is still alive!!! Wow! What an amazing MLOVE Homecoming 10th anniversary celebration this year in our beloved home «Schloss Beesi». More than three days of inspiring talks, crazy ideas, breathtaking keynotes, heartopening sound & light sessions, hot dancing and sauna experiences, some tears and lot of golden moments with all this beautifull MLOVE souls. We are still filled with love and light! And we want the movement going on… © Dan Taylor – So… we are celebrating the 11 years anniversary of our first MLOVE ConFestival in the same location where we started our journey… south of Berlin in lovely Castle Beesenstedt again. By now, there is a roof; lots of renovations done, the barn is nearly new, a total of 600 beds in/around the castle in the whole village; and Armin the castle owner is excited to welcome us back again! We will add more details and are open for your ideas and gifts to the MLOVE tribe // what memories do you share? Which friends can you bring back to celebrate? What access & meansdo you have to add to the fun, the tech or the programme? +++ We are all teachers +++ A vivid memory from one of the last MLOVE Camps in Barcelona / Casteldefels the year the power went out and we literally unplugged to get us into the is an unconference, then? Besides the food breaks there is no fixed program but empty spots in the agenda. Everybody can sign the board and select a time slot and a room to propose a topic, a talk or workshop or other activity or non-activity. We might have some featured speakers we all love that come back, but in true Burning Man spirit there are no spectators and no superstar treatment. +++ Orga & Pricing +++Here is the candid part:We have decided that we won’t try to make money from this event (which we never actually did in all of the 10 years — even though we tried) but we also don’t want to loose any money, so we do an all in package for all: As we have to pay a deposit to our landlord Armin asap, the standard early bird ticket price will be €399,00 (plus fees and VAT). This ticket is limited up to 50, so hurry up! Afterwards we just try to cover the expenses and add some money in the pot for tech rentals, Orga staff and a lot of magic, the standard ticket price will be €499,00 (plus fees and VAT). We are also adding a «Coporate- & Sponsor-Ticket” for sponsors or alumni friends that are in a position to help out, show thankful for the good memories and good business that evolved from some MLOVE connection. +++ Ride Share & Community Telegramm Group +++ Any input, ideas and support is very much appreciated. May the (M)LOVE be with you! Head Photo © Dan Taylor & light art by Projektil Entfernen oder Ereignis zu aktualisieren