Title: Micro Session – Let’s Talk Fellowship Venue: Staff Development Room, Floor 2, Mercantile House The aim of these short 1-hour micro sessions is to focus specifically on the development of Associate Fellow [D1] and Fellowship [D2] applications, and the crafting of case studies around Areas of Activity. Colleagues at the early stages of developing their applications will find the sessions particularly informative as they will focus on the key elements that make an effective case study for each area of Activity within the UKPSF. The sessions will be limited to 10 participants to ensure colleagues can fully contribute to the discussion, and gain the confidence to develop their own case studies further. If colleagues wish to run a Departmental session and can draw together a pool of colleagues these sessions can also be facilitated. Parking & Transport to the University of Portsmouth (UoP):- Maps, train station, bus routes and travelling into Portsmouth, please click on for further details. Parking is restricted at the UoP car parks, unless you have a valid UoP parking permit. Failure to display a UoP parking permit will result in a Parking Charge Notice (PCN), payable to Portsmouth City Council. Pay & Display parking is available on Hampshire Terrace (PO1 2QF), Cambridge Road (PO1 2EF), Gunwharf Quays car park (PO1 3TZ) or Alec Rose Lane car park (PO1 2SA). If you need disabled access parking, please email acdev@ contact the events administrator on 023 9284 3328.