Wave Farm’s WGXC 90.7-FM presents Lodge 2017 at Riedlbauer’s Resort in Round Top, NY on Friday, August 25 and Saturday, August 26, 2017. Lodge is a Catskills getaway weekend of music, art, and radio, with proceeds benefiting creative community radio station WGXC 90.7-FM. Lodge 2017 features two full nights of live music from Larkin Grimm, Kraus, Alexander Turnquist, Nick Millevoi, Lily and Horn Horse, Devin Gary & Ross, and DJ Lunar Moss, with many others to be announced. Two former Wave Farm artists-in-residence, Rory Solomon and Elia Vargas, will also present work, as well as the Catskill Maker Syndicate. Food, drink, and other on-site activities are available throughout the weekend. WGXC 90.7-FM will provide a live broadcast of Lodge, which can also be heard at wgxc.org. Lodge 2017 kicks off 8 p.m. on Friday, August 25 with performances from Kraus, Lily + Horn Horse, a live DJ, and others to be announced. Tickets are $15 in advance, or $20 on the day of. On Saturday, August 27, Lodge expands throughout the Riedlbauer’s grounds, with WGXC DJs starting at noon at Nussy’s Bier Garten. Interactive installations by Elia Vargas and the Catskill Maker Syndicate will be on view nearby. Rory Solomon will present a workshop based on his CB radio work, completed while in residence at Wave Farm. Live music begins at 7 p.m., and features performances from Larkin Grimm, Alexander Turnquist, Nick Millevoi, and Devin Gary & Ross, and more to be announced. WGXC’s DJ Lunar Moss contributes interstitial sounds throughout the evening. A full schedule and description of events will be available at wgxc.org. Since 2014, WGXC has presented Lodge on the grounds of the beautiful Riedlbauer’s Resort in Round Top. Past years have featured performances from Magik Markers, Palm, MV & EE, P.G. Six, Chris Forsyth, Thalia Zedek Band, Herbcraft, among others. Lodge began in 2014 as a one-night concert under the pavilion at Nussy’s Bier Garten. Lodge 2015 expanded from mere concert to a family-friendly afternoon retreat, and featured Wave Farm artist-in-residence Heidi Neilson’s radio transmitter scavenger hunt in the woods of Riedlbauer’s, along with Catskill musicians Carmen Borgia and Foggy presenting their Uke Camp. Lodge 2016 featured installations artists, including Bryan Zimmerman and Victoria Keddie’s Unit 11 mobile residency van, amateur radio demonstration, and a limited edition t-shirt by illustrator Casey Burns, returning with a new design for Lodge 2017. Learn more at: Fievent.com | Contact | Privacy | Terms