Level Three Safeguarding Adults Training (2.5 hours). Facilitated by the Designated Nurse for Safeguarding Adults and the Named GP for Safeguarding Adults. Open to all health staff working with within SEH&FGCCG locality, which may include; Board Members, GPs, CCG Pharmacists and NHS Continuing Healthcare. Aim of the session: To ensure that staff have the necessary skills and knowledge to recognise abuse and respond accordingly to protect individuals from harm Objectives: •To understand what can make a person vulnerable •Be able to recognise Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the impact on the individual •Be able to identify potential indicators of abuse •Be able to recognise factors which may increase the risk of abuse •To understand the importance of learning lessons •Understand the process for making a Safeguarding Referral •Have an understanding of the legal frameworks in relation to the Safeguarding Adults Agenda •Have an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the Safeguarding ***** Boards •To know where you can access Safeguarding Policies and Procedures Fievent.com | Contact | Privacy | Terms