Learn with Olympus: Beginners (Brisbane)

Join us for ‘Learn with Olympus: Beginners’ exploring the very basics of photography, focusing on exposure control and how it influences the photos you take. This session is perfect for beginners just starting their photography journey, as well as more experienced photographers looking to refresh their knowledge. You will be taught the very basics of photography, including the key elements of exposure, the by-products of each of these elements, as well as the basics of composition and an overview of photography terms. Open to all and no prior attendance to our events and workshops is necessary in order to attend. Topics covered: Key Elements of Exposure – Learn just what goes into making a properly exposed shot: aperture, shutter speed, ISOBy-Products of these Elements – How does changing one of these elements affect your end photoIntroduction to Composition – Understand the basics of composing a shot to give you better-looking memoriesOverview of Key Photography Terms – Learn the jargon so you are ready to take your next step in photography If you own an Olympus camera please be sure to bring to the event. Alternatively, limited loan cameras will be made available during the session. For all other events and workshops please visit

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