Portland Audubon, Cascadia Wildlands, Sierra Club, Oregon Wild, and the Center for Biological Diversity are teaming up to organize an Elliott State Forest Lobby Day on February 23, 2017 in Salem! You’ll have the chance to meet with your elected officials and talk to them ****-to-**** about why you love the Elliott State Forest and why it deserves our protection. Proponents of public lands and intact forests and habitat in Oregon continue to work overtime in a diverse coalition to forge a lasting solution for the Elliott Forest that keeps it in public ownership for generations to come. Thank you for helping us get this far by showing up to rallies, offering public testimony, making donations, and taking action when prompted. We need you to keep the pressure on!
We will provide transportation, food, and Elliott themed t-shirts for you to keep — and we’ll start the day with lobbying training so you feel comfortable and confident when you go to talk with your elected officials. Make sure you RSVP here (http://bit.ly/2iCTsJQ) as soon as you can commit to joining us for the day (9am – 4pm.)
You can write, tweet, or call your lawmakers, but the most effective way to communicate how much you care is by showing up in person. You can speak up for the Elliott State Forest and save this public forest by meeting with your legislators on February 23, 2017. We hope to see you there!
Get registered by RSVP’ing here: http://bit.ly/2iCTsJQ. For more information, please email staylor@audubonportland.org