Dear visitor. You are invited to attend the 18th JCF-Frühjahrssymposium 2016 – spring symposium in Kiel. We, the local group in Kiel of the Young Chemists Section (JCF) of the German Chemical Society (GDCh), are looking forward to meeting you at the Christiana Albertina University of Kiel from 16th to 19th March 2016. This international symposium is explicitly devised for young chemists, in particular undergraduate and PhD students of chemistry and related subjects. You can expect inspiring lectures by invited speakers, exciting oral presentations, stimulating poster sessions, and be an active participant of this vibrant meeting. The program is topped off by social activities in and around Kiel. Our registration will be enabled in October 2015. We encourage you to present your chemistry related work as a poster or as an oral presentation. See you in Kiel! Sincerely yours, your JCF Kiel | Kontakt | Privacy | Terms