International Hanami BIG Picnic in Yoyogi park☆花見~国際交流☆in…

English/日本語 ⭐︎お花見を通して、新しいお友達を見つけよう ⭐︎make your new friends at this time ⭐ ※先着100名様で且つ、友人を呼んで来た方限定にてFreeベイクドチーズケーキのウェルカムスウィーツプレゼント☆!! ※↑ご友人と来られる方は友人の分も事前に参加クリックください⭐︎ ※ Welcome Sweets present☆!! Only first arrival 100 people and coming with friends member who can get Free baked Chease cake present☆!! ※↑please click going of your friends if u come with friends . Hey guys It’s so big Hanami(Cherry brossom) picnic in Yoyogi partk. Come to the Yoyogi park with a lot of friends!! its great opportunity making a lot of friends underthe flowers of Cherry brosssoms. Have a lot of fun at Welcome Tokyo! Check the more details below this. Meet up at Central fountain on 9:50.Then starting from 10:00am – 15:30pm. Cheese cake is waitting for you first arrival in 100 people. 10:00 – 15;30 集合時間9:50 メインの噴水の前でWelcomeTokyoのサインを持っています。


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