Teachers are often isolated in their classrooms, with few opportunities to share their experiences with colleagues. At In Practice, teachers have the opportunity to collaborate and connect with one another in a supportive and inspirational environment. Participants will move through sessions focused on the following themes: Critical reflection: We get teachers talking by creating a space for them to reflect on their experiences throughout the year, share promising practices, and be critically reflective about their challenges. We use multiple modalities for teacher expression, including graphing, mapping, poetry, prose, and more. Peer-to-peer discourse: We get teachers trying by engaging them with what they already know and do. We create a space for teachers to think about their world from new perspectives, and we do this with high interaction and engagement, rather than passive listening. Inspiration: We get teachers together by designing experiences that actively engage participants in the work that informs each of our signature initiatives. Sessions offer topics relevant to educators and create space for them to share prior knowledge and experiences as they consider new practices. At In Practice, educators will be able to: Participate in content discussion groups Share successes and dilemmas with colleagues Engage in critical reflection and collaboration Interrogate relevant research Learn about and use effective protocols for K-12 classrooms More information is available on our website. Can’t make In Practice? Check out our other two Chancellor’s Day events: Inspire (November 5, 2019) and The Big Learning Challenge (January 27, 2020). ———- To pay for your attendance using a purchase order Have your school contact cpet@ initiate this process. A PO must be created by your school & received by CPET prior to registration closing in order for a promo code to be we’ve received a PO, we will provide your school with a promo code to distribute to the teachers they are funding. The promo code will discount your registration 100% so that there is no out-of-pocket cost to you. You will still be required to complete a registration form. To pay using a credit card Simply complete the registration form online. You will be asked for your credit card information at that time. To pay using your New Teacher Network membership Contact ntn@tc.edu. Once your membership has been verified, you will receive a promo code that will discount your registration 100%. You will still be required to complete a registration form.