PLEASE NOTE: There are limited places available per local area. If you register and find you cannot select your local area please contact us and you will be added to a waiting list. Date: Monday 30th September 2019 Time: 10am-3.30pm (Refreshments will be served from 9.30. Lunch will also be provided) Venue: West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA The Council for Disabled Children invite you to the second Yorkshire & the Humber action learning set for the EYSEND Partnership programme to improve access and inclusion in the early years. The programme is funded by the Department for Education and you can find out more about the new partnership on our website: The day is designed to support you with the review and development of local plans, which you may have started at ALS1 in December 2018. We will also share information about the ongoing programme of training and hear from local areas who have received specialist support to their local action learning sets from the EYSEND Partners. Please note: Part of the day will involve reviewing local action plans that were started at the first ALS in February 2019. If you require a copy of your plan or a new copy of the toolkit please get in touch with Georgia Zimmer at eysend@ Please note the following: If you have any colleagues in your area who did not attend the last Yorkshire & the Humber regional ALSs (February 2019), but might benefit from being involved, please do forward this invitation to them. We particularly welcome representatives from different services and agencies, including health and social care. Why attend this Action Learning Set? Celebrate good practice across the region and learn from each other; Review local progress on early years, SEN and disability; Learn about the training being provided by our partners; Learn about additional support that may be available to you in progressing local plans; Take a strategic approach to access and inclusion in the early years. Key to our success will be the extent to which we can bring together different teams, from education, health and social care, and from each local area. Our goal is a high level of joint attendance at regional workshops and joint action plans to support a strategic approach. Who should attend? There are three available for each local area. It is for each local area to decide who should attend, and we understand that attendance will be partially determined by availability. We would recommend attendance is drawn from: Health, for example, health visitor, therapist, DMO, DCO; Local authority SEN team; Local authority early years team; Early years providers; Social care; Information, Advice and Support Services; Representatives of parents/carers For more information contact eysend@