Welcome to The Health & Wellness Network B2B/B2C Monthly Networking Event! Hosted by the HWNCC – Charleston South Carolina Chapter With Your President—Christiana Wendy Glover Our mission is to provide a platform for health and wellness professionals, practitioners, service and product providers to network with corporate professionals while providing a sustainable support system for both. You Asked for It, You Got It! A place where health and wellness professionals, practitioners and service providers meet corporate professionals leading sustainable businesses while supporting each other. A place where like-minded people come to learn, grow and thrive in these economic times by standing out and helping others along the way. We invite you to join this amazing Health and Wellness Network of Commerce – Charleston South Carolina Chapter Monthly Networking Event. Speaker this month: TBA When? September 24th, 2019 What Time? 6:30PM to 8:30 PM Where? The Crab Shacks, 1901 Ashley River Road, Suite 3, Charleston, SC 29407 Cost? This Event is FREE for Members of the Health & Wellness Network of Commerce But you MUST REGISTER so that we can have a head count. For Non-Members and Guests * $20 Online * $25 at the door. SPACE IS VERY LIMITED SO PLEASE REGISTER TODAY! ****** Bring a Friend or Two because we are Rebooting the Health, Wellness and Business industry and you want to be a part of it. To know more about how to join this Amazing Network Visit our Website () For the First 100 Members YEARLY MEMBERSHIP IS ONLY $100 AND YOU WANT TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ALL THE BENFITS THAT COME WITH MEMBERSHIP. Just Visit: () To Contact the President of this Chapter or for more info call (843) 232-6285 Hope to see you soon! With much appreciation for your support and friendship. HWNCC Charleston South Carolina Chapter President»– Share this event on Facebook and Twitter. Click here to subscribe to our text messages. We hope you can make it! Cheers, Christiana Wendy Glover- VP of Marketing PR & Sales For Orly Amor * HWNCC * & SWFDirect Line: 843-232-6285E-Mail: Here is our application called Rapid Square follow link: and then click on to obtain the app.