Health Sciences Lively Lunch Sponsored by Rittenhouse

Down the Rabbit Hole We Go Again (the 19th Health Sciences Lively Lunchtime Discussion) This year’s no holds barred health sciences lively lunchtime gathering, sponsored by Rittenhouse Book Distributrors, Inc. is open to all and boxed lunches will be provided. It will begin with greetings from luncheon sponsor, Rittenhouse. The moderator, Rena Lubker, will introduce the session and will provide introductory remarks about this year’s three presentations: a commentary on issues that keep us up at night; a report on considerations to make when leaving big deal licenses and entering into new, OA friendly arrangements; and more discussion about the impact of expansions on libraries of academic medical affiliation. All three topics should provide fodder for lively discussion by presenters and participants. Ramune Kubilius will provide a brief annual update on health sciences publishing world developments. Are there trends or commonalities in the issues that concern health sciences collection managers across institutions? Susan Kendall, editor of a recent book on 21st century collection management, will share her thoughts on what keeps health sciences collection managers on their toes (or up at night). Be prepared to agree or disagree with her goes into planning, preparing and actively shifting towards a more open access friendly landscape? How do consortia make decisions to leave or enter into deals on behalf of a multi-type academic library system? Are the interests of health sciences libraries represented? Sarah McClung will share examples of recent collections decisions made by the University of California libraries and what lessons can be imparted to other libraries, including those licensing in smaller groups or even solo.The ever-changing academic library and affiliated hospital relationship landscape will again be explored. Jean Gudenas will examine the effects of hospital mergers and acquisitions on academic libraries. She will discuss the challenges with negotiating licensing changes quickly, the commitment to communication, and other matters essential to ensuring access to resources for the new affiliates.

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