Hanukkah Celebration for Families with Young Children

Hanukkah Celebration for Young Children Join other families with young children to celebrate the festival of lights with Rabbi Bridget and musician Joel Siegel. Enjoy Hanukkah songs and dancing, the holiday story, lighting the menorah, a hands-on holiday project, Hanukkah treats, and more. This event is epsecially for children 1-5 and their grownups. Older and younger siblings are also invited. The location is accessible to the disabled and street parking is available.  WHO: All are welcome, including interfaith, LGBTQ, and adoptive families; single parents; and grandparents. No Jewish knowledge or experience is necessary. Feel free to invite friends who might be interested! HOW: Fee is $12/*****, $5/child, and children under one year are free. Preregistration is recommended but not required. QUESTIONS: Contact us at info@jewishgateways.org or 510-545-9977.

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